Intercom motorcycle Bluetooth, so many models and so much confusion.

The technological trend leads to the manufacturers of bluetooth intercom for bike to churn out every year produced more and more technological, full of functions and features, which sometimes are unnecessary.

Already in the early eighties came the first intercom for motorcycles, their birth was from the need to communicate the driver with the passenger while doing day trips.

The early models were tube tires), in practice, consisted of two rubber tubes and four containers a little bigger than a coin , with a hole of entry and exit. It was sufficient to place them inside your helmet, and speak in the containers are connected by a rubber tube that propagated the sound to the opposite pole.

Subsequently, it is passed to the electric models with batteries, the quality was definitely higher, but there was always an "umbilical cord" that connected the driver with the passenger.

In the early 2000's, precisely since 2005, have come on the market (produced by cardo), the first Bluetooth (and I can guarantee that even today many are in function). We are talking about the model Teamset or Midland BT (same product) and a controller (pilot) to Master, and a control unit (passenger's) Slave. These devices have revolutionized communication in a motion without wireless, autonomy up to 7 hours, the acoustic quality excellent, small size and affordable price.

Subsequently, the market has changed, year to year, new manufacturers, new models and technology more and more advanced, until you get to systems the MESH, which guarantee the communications in the conference with a high stability of the connection, and features superior audio.

Made this brief introduction, we now examine the main functions of a communication system for motorcycle Bluetooth.

Basic functions for all the devices Intercom bike:

  1. Connection with the phone, voice call, voice response, messaging, etc., (depends mainly from the type of phone that we use).
  2. Free gps dedicated to motorcycles, allows you to receive information inside the ear while we are driving. (warning some app for phone does not allow you to listen to the guide voice in the earphones).
  3. Connection with the passenger in full duplex.
  4. Listening to MP3 music, Bluetooth, or cable.

Advanced features :

  1. Integrated FM Radio function. (we can not expect the moon)
  2. Function Pilot/Pilot.
  3. Conference Function.
  4. Function shared music.
  5. Background function (background music).
  6. Function MESH.

The operation of the Bluetooth connections

How does a device to manage all these connections? Simply by assigning priorities

  1. Main priority: the connection with the Phone/Navigation.
  2. Secondary priority: connection with rider passenger or pilot/pilot.
  3. Third priority: the AUX jack, FM radio, MP3, etc..

The higher priority undo the bottom one.

We can distinguish 5 categories of intercom

  1. Intercom Bluetooth rider/passenger basic functions.
  2. Intercom Bluetooth rider/passenger advanced functions.
  3. Intercom Bluetooth Rider/passenger or pilot/pilot conference to 4.
  4. Intercom Bluetooth Rider/passenger or pilot/pilot conference, the more the bike ( speaking all together ).
  5. Intercom Bluetooth Rider/passenger or pilot/pilot conference and Mesh with double-chip Bluetooth.

These five categories are distinguished according to the functions and performance, in relation also to the price of purchase does not always justify the cost so expensive.

  1. Intercom Bluetooth rider/passenger basic functions: basic Functions such as all the intercom, can also have the integrated radio, great device and very stable in the communication, that is simple in functions, for those who have intention to spend less without sacrificing quality audio. Among the devices sold.
  2. Intercom Bluetooth rider/passenger advanced functions: basic Functions such as all the Intercom, integrated FM radio, share music, and multi pairing with other devices. Excellent device, which contains the most important applications, such as sharing of music, but in fact it is among the most widely sold, perhaps because they are not music lovers :).
  3. Intercom Bluetooth rider/passenger or pilot/pilot conference 4: here we enter into the Best Seller, perhaps the most widespread, or better, the initial approach to riding a bike with two bikes and communicate in full-duplex between the four riders. Features of the advanced systems, with the addition of being able to do a small conference, but with a limited scope.
  4. Intercom Bluetooth rider/passenger or pilot/pilot conference, the more the bike (speak all together): we arrived to the Top of the Range (at least until 2018). All the advanced features with the function of a communication to more than 2 bikes with a capacity of at least 1 km of actual devices sold, but mainly in the foreign market. These products are much more expensive compared to the previous systems, but by analysing the various commercial brands (the 4 giants Interphone, Cardo, Midland, Sena), you can find a previous model to the prices of pot 3.
  5. Intercom Bluetooth rider/passenger or pilot/pilot conference and Mesh with double Bluetooth chip: We come to the latest versions available on the market. Intended for a demanding public that use a lot spent on the bike in a group and want to have stable connections and clean, with a flow range really high, because optimized by the system Mesh, in addition to having a dual Bluetooth Chip that allows it to be multi-tasking. Are systems that are very expensive, but for those who need to conference with 8/13 the bike, are the only possible solution and reliable.

Systems Intercom for motorcycle HYBRID

These systems Intercom Hybrids are created by Us according to the needs of the market, we compose Kit Bluetooth Intercom based on characteristics that usually we are requested by our customers. We try to match control Units multi-function (dedicated pilot) with control units of the basic level (meant for the passenger, who rarely goes on a trip with the pilot). We create these kit intercom to make it more economical to purchase a device that is powerful that the pilot uses in the most complete way, with the outputs in the bike with friends, not to mention the fact that the passenger could accompany him on some jaunt or road trip. This does not mean that you can do conference also with these systems.

The main considerations purchase intercom motorcycle Bluetooth

Come here to have a smattering with regards to the systems Bluetooth intercom for motorbikes, we now see the considerations that you should take into account for the purchase of apparatus that is suitable to your needs.

Meanwhile, we make three distinctions of possible Users :

  • A Rider in the lonely.
  • B Rider solo but sometimes accompanied by a passenger.
  • C the Rider in the pair.

These three categories of Motorcyclists, we can still divide them into three categories :

A Motorcyclist in Solitary

  • AA Use of the motorcycle in a unique way, which does not need to communicate with other users.
  • AB's Use of the motorcycle in a unique way, but that needs to communicate with other users.

B Rider Solo but sometimes accompanied by a passenger

  • BA Use of the bike in a unique way with the need to communicate with other users.
  • BB's Use of the motorcycle with the passenger without having to speak with other users.

C Biker couple

  • CA Use of the bike with a passenger without having to speak with other users.
  • CB Use of the bike with a passenger with the need to communicate with other users.

We analyze the main aspects that lead us to choose the device for Bluetooth Intercom for bike more suitable.

  1. In the case of a single-use, regardless of the system of communication, which is the conference or not, does not matter, you are master to choose any model. case AA
  2. In the case of use with a pilot and passenger without the need to communicate with other users, you are master to choose any model. Case CA
  3. In all other cases : AB BB CB our recommendation is : make Sure of which devices are equipped with friends with whom we want to talk about. It is good practice to comply with the same brand and the same model or a superior model, to the limit check in the group of friends have a higher percentage of brand/model.
  4. In the case of a Pair of motorcyclists who wish to talk to one of them and they do not have the apparatus of the Bluetooth intercom, any Intercom conference is optimal, or to have a saving system HYBRID

Considerations on the models of Bluetooth intercom for motorcycle

The brand ?. Model ?. New model ?. an old model ?. The most widespread ?. less Widespread ?.


Brand name : it is Not a relevant factor if not for the assistance and warranty.

Model : If you have read carefully you know which will be your model or type.

The new Model : As written previously, the owners of the Cardo G4 will not change with no-man ( 2012 ) Teamset ( 2005 ).

Old model : old models are like the new models with regard to the advanced features of the medium to high range.

The most Widespread :it is Definitely an advantage, the possibility of finding spare parts, technical assistance, communication with other motorcycles, and more.

Less Widespread : it is Not recommended.

Functions Intercom motorcycle that are of little or nothing

  1. MULTI PAIRING : can connect your intercom brand X with brand Y. this Option is available only in devices Intercom bike with double-CHIP Bluetooth. In the other cases is limiting for all, and two the intercom: multi pairing emulates a channel Bluetooth dedicated intercom other brand and is seen as if it were a phone, then priority 1, and consequently inhibits all other functions.
  2. FM Radio : Good in city use, for the rest ... A car with a dedicated antenna and external struggles to keep the radio stations, let alone a box of 60 grams with an antenna of 1 cm .....
  3. Sharing music : why should I listen to your music?. Significant increase in the consumption of the battery. Today all the devices Intercom have the ability to listen your own playlist from your phone, with lower consumption of energy.

Let's get into the specific of quality audio Intercom for motorcycle

Very often I hear from people that contact me, that model feels bad, or I read on a few Forums over the 70Kh I can not hear, I always hear a annoying noise!. I'll let you in on a secret ... The sound of all the intercom for good or evil are equals. It all depends on the mounting !! I'll give you an example so you will better understand the problem : surely all of you have a mobile phone with earphones, Insert the earphone to your phone and wear them, try to make a phone call or put a piece of music. From the natural position of the earphones while listening , try to move out of 2mm in a shift minimum, you will feel that the volume is cut in half !, then you do the opposite , drive them into the inside of the ear and you will hear the volume much higher than normal and sound quality that is clearly superior !!! This is what happens when the headphones inside the helmet are not placed in the right area, therefore the intercom will work at full volume (with consumption higher energy) and with very little audio quality. So what you need to do : place the center of the ear so that it matches the center of the pavilion timpanico and as close as possible... and it will be a different music!

Now let's talk about the fact that you could hear the noise, when you're travelling in a pair. Normally, the Pilot feels the noise transmitted by the Passenger, this is due to the fact that the Passenger has the microphone positioned wrong, and the fact that he perceives dirty air. Definition of air dirty, that is to say the pilot when the fringes of the air creates behind the turbulence ( dirty air ) that cause annoying noise. In this case, it is sufficient to replace the sponge of the microphone of the Passenger with a high density sponge.

As you may have noticed, I have not spoken to (apart from some historical reference) of Brands or models. This is to ensure that you are able to decide on the right model.

There will be other articles, reviews of specific products, pros and cons, and on-road testing.

An Important thing